Only a few spaces remain for one-on-one coaching with Dr. Steven Parkes starting January 2023! This deposit locks your spot on the waitlist and we will schedule an introductory session in order to help you clarify what you seek to create and acomplish through our coaching partnership. The Platinum 6-Month Coaching engagement includes a 2-day intensive kickoff as well as ongoing discovery, transformation, and results coaching phases. Total investment is $20K and the deposit fund will be applied to the program cost once accepted.
Platinum Coaching Deposit - January 2023
Your deposit holds your place on the waitlist and allows us to hold an introductory session, ensuring we're a great fit for this elite six-month program. Your deposit is fully refundable prior to completing the introductory application and session. Following our initial session, if accepted to the full platinum coaching engagement, you will have 7 days to commit to the full program afterwhich the deposit becomes nonrefundable. Further details will be included in the coaching agreement.